Uttar Pradesh’s most preferred jewelry chain, Aisshpra Gems & Jewels, launches the latest ad campaign ‘Main Pratha Bhi Hoon, Main Pragati Bhi’ featuring Yami Gautam Dhar, who represents the progressive Indian woman of today. The campaign showcases Yami in an elegant saree where she is adorned with one of Aisshpra’s iconic Polki Necklace sets from their Nazakat collection. Yami represents the progressive Indian woman who is well educated, broad-minded, and independent on one hand and she is also rooted in her culture and proud of her traditions on the other hand. Just like Yami in this campaign, an Aisshpra woman too is multifaceted.
In 2020, Aisshpra Gems & Jewels launched a Bridal campaign with Mouni Roy, which was a great hit amongst their patrons in and out of Uttar Pradesh. The overwhelming response led to the launch of this season’s campaign with a unique take featuring Yami Gautam Dhar. Spread across eight stores in Uttar Pradesh, the brand is known for trendsetting initiatives and campaigns in its region, and their latest campaign ‘Main Pratha Bhi Hoon, Main Pragati Bhi’ with Yami Gautam is one such initiative from them.
“When I heard the concept of ‘Main Pragati Bhi hoon, Main Pratha Bhi’ by Aisshpra Gems & Jewels, I was instantly convinced that I want to be a part of this initiative. A very simple campaign with a powerful tagline is going to inspire and empower a lot of women in Uttar Pradesh, and I am delighted that I will be a part of this and play a role in empowering these women. I am absolutely delighted to be associated with Aisshpra Gems & Jewels”, said Yami Gautam, Actress & Muse for Aisshpra Gems & Jewels’ Ad campaign.
‘We believe that it is our duty to empower our community in whatever way it is possible and therefore we try to incorporate a social message or call for action in all our initiatives. This ad campaign was very unique as when we were ideating, we wanted to create something that empowers the women around us but did not have a preachy sound, and that’s how ‘Main Pragati Bhi hoon, Main Pratha Bhi’ was conceived. We were lucky that we could cast Yami Gautam Dhar for the same as we knew that she will be able to effortlessly play this role for us on this campaign”, said Vaibhav Saraf, Director, Aisshpra Gems & Jewels.
About Aisshpra Gems & Jewels:
Formed in the year 1940 as the Hari Prasad Gopi Krishna Saraf Group by Sri Balkrishnaji along with his elder brother, Late Sri Gopi Krishnaji; Aisshpra Gems & Jewels has witnessed a three-generation long and rewarding journey. Today it has grown into a much-trusted heritage jewellery brand in Uttar Pradesh with a strong appeal to the masses and jewellery that is truly unmatched.