Actress Kritika Kamra, widely admired for her stellar performances on screen, is showcasing her multifaceted talents by embracing entrepreneurship alongside her acting career. While shooting her upcoming series Matka King in Mumbai, Kritika has been simultaneously managing her fashion label based in Madhya Pradesh. Her label is a heartfelt initiative aimed at promoting local artistry and craftsmanship, reflecting her commitment to empowering communities in her home state.
As a hands-on entrepreneur, Kritika Kamra is deeply involved in every aspect of her brand’s operations. She frequently visits local artisans and suppliers to oversee production, ensuring the highest standards of quality and authenticity in her creations. Her efforts go beyond the business—she is preserving and celebrating traditional craftsmanship, bridging the gap between heritage and contemporary fashion.
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Balancing a thriving acting career with the responsibilities of running a business is no small feat, but Kritika approaches it with dedication and passion. Despite her packed shooting schedule, she prioritizes connecting with grassroots artisans, exemplifying her deep respect for their craft and her commitment to creating meaningful impact.
Sharing her thoughts on this dual journey, Kritika Kamra said:
“Balancing my acting career and my business has been both challenging and incredibly rewarding. I feel a profound sense of responsibility toward both endeavors. Through Matka King, I’m bringing compelling stories to audiences, and through my fashion label, I’m celebrating the incredible talent of local artists in Madhya Pradesh. Personally visiting artisans and suppliers allows me to ensure we deliver excellence while also staying connected to the heart of the craft. It’s hectic, but when you’re passionate about what you do, it’s all worthwhile.”
Kritika’s ability to seamlessly juggle her roles as an actor and entrepreneur is an inspiration. Her journey exemplifies that with determination, focus, and love for one’s work, it’s possible to excel in multiple fields. By championing local artistry while continuing to deliver powerful on-screen performances, Kritika is carving a unique path that blends creativity, community, and purpose.